We are very pleased to announce that both our rooms are now fully air-conditioned, stocked with tea & coffee for our new Nespresso machines and still coming with all gear included as always.
Just turn up and rock!
Room 1

Gear Included
- Behringer PMP2000D Mixer / PA
- 2 x SM58 Microphones, Cables and Stands
- Laney Lionheart Valve Amp
- 4x12 Ibanez Guitar Cabinet
- Laney LX 120 RH Guitar Amp
- Laney LX 2x2 Guitar Cabinet
- Blackstar Unity Bass 500 Bass Amp
- Mapex Horizon Drum Kit (minus cymbals)*
* Please note you should also bring your own cymbal felts, cymbal nuts and hi-hat clutch. We do try to provide these, but they tend to wander off faster than we can replace them, and so we can't guarantee they'll be there...

Room 2
Gear Included
- Behringer PMP2000D Mixer / PA
- 2 x SM58 Microphones, Cables and Stands
- Blackstar HT Studio 20 Guitar Amp
- Blackstar 200 Series One Guitar Amp
- 4x12 Marshall MGX Guitar Cabinet
- Blackstar Unity U250 Bass Combo
- Mapex Horizon Drum Kit (minus cymbals)*

* Please note you should also bring your own cymbal felts, cymbal nuts and hi-hat clutch. We do try to provide these, but they tend to wander off faster than we can replace them, and so we can't guarantee they'll be there...